ETSI Advanced Competency Collection
Kerry L. Butler
Reich College of Education

 Appalachian State University


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Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Media Literacy Activity
  • Our assignment for this project was to develop an activity that promotes media literacy.  This activity was taught during our final three weeks at the schools.  As part of our evaluation on this project we then had to publish a website about our activity for other students and teachers to access, as well as a list of helpful and informational links (10.3).  Since our schools are located in fairly rural areas, we decided that our activity should focus on billboards (not something you see much of in rural North Carolina).  This project was done in cooperation with the fifth grade classroom.  The sixth grade part of the project focuses on the use of billboards (11.4) in the community as a form of advertisement.  The fifth graders were to come up with a product and send proposals to the sixth graders, the advertising company.  The sixth grade then, in groups of 3-5 students (12.5), write back, in business form (11.1) to the fifth grade describing in words how that products billboard will look.  This opens up the disscussion to how different forms of advertising are used, what makes an advertisement effective, why advertisers use what they use.   Other types of advertising including commercials (10.2) and print ads will also be discussed. Pending the approval of the fifth grade "inventors", the sixth graders will then create the final product and display it in the school.