Copyright 2005 Leah A. Caldwell, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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Artifact Two: Transcript Analysis Project  This artifact includes a copy of the discussions I did with a group of 7th graders. The two stories that we read and discussed were The Most Dangerous Game written by Richard Connell and Meet the Weird Watsons written by Christopher Paul Curtis. These two stories were found in our anthology. Included with the discussion is my comparison of our first and second discussion.  

Context: The Transcription Analysis Project was conducted for my graduate course, Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners, taught by Dr. Kucan. My main objective was to focus on the types of questions that I was asking my students. We orally read The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell. I taped this discussion in order to review and reflect on my role as a facilitator. Listening to the types of questions I asked, student responses, and interactions between the students, allowed me to determine if the questions I asked are providing meaningful instruction. Looking more closely at the types of questions gave me insight to what I needed to change about my technique before I started my second transcription. For my second transcription, we read Meet the Weird Watsons from our seventh grade anthology. This time I was able to make sure that I was using a variety of questions throughout our discussion. After the discussions were completed, I figured out how much of a particular type of question was asked to my students. I could easily compare the two transcriptions and see if my types of questions remained constant or fluctuated.

Alignment: In completing this activity the following Standards for the Master's Degree program were met.

     * Standard A: Instructional Expertise: The candidate demonstrates instructional expertise by applying the theoretical, philosophical, and research bases for educational practice in P-12 settings to improve student learning:  This artifact shows that I created a plan to evaluate my types of questioning. I monitored the effect of my questioning and used the information the Dr. Kucan gave to make my student's learning successful.

     * Standard B: Knowledge of Learners: The candidate incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning into the planning, delivery, and evaluation of instruction.  This artifact shows the way that I involve my students with a text. I created an environment conductive to learning in which all of my students were successful.