Copyright 2005 Leah A. Caldwell, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Staff Presentation

Transcription Analysis Project

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Educational Plans

Action Research

Classroom Engagement Activities


Professional Development



Artifact One:   Staff Presentation     This artifact contains a handout that I used to present the findings from Put Children First to S. Ray Lowder's faculty and staff. This pamphlet was received from to make teachers aware of the different stages in reading development. This contains the information that I learned from the North Carolina State Improvement Project.

Context: This informational packet was created in order to give a basis understanding of the various stages of reading instruction. The information was initially presented in a workshop of the Foundations of Reading that was presented by Dr. Rebecca Felton, Vickie Norris, and Stamey Carter, and represents the theoretical orientation of the ASU reading program. The purpose of my presentation was to help my staff learn to meet the needs of beginning and struggling readers. In my classroom, I use this foundational reading knowledge in order to guide my reading instruction. I refer to the stages of reading to help me align my lessons that are individualized to meet the needs of my EC students.

Alignment: In completing my staff presentation the Standards for the Master's Degree License were met:

     * Standard A: Instructional Expertise: The candidate demonstrates instructional expertise by applying the theoretical, philosophical, and research bases for educational practice in P-12 settings to improve student learning:  This artifact shows the developmental stages of reading. My presentation was a guide for my staff to know how to help struggling readers.  This artifact also incorporates findings from educational literature into the school and classroom strategies.

     * Standard C: Research: The candidate uses research to examine and improve instructional effectiveness and student achievement.  This artifact is based upon the information I received from This website is a wonderful resource to help educators with new and upcoming research. The pamphlet that I created has information that is taken from this research.

     * Standard D: Content Knowledge: The candidate demonstrates advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in the academic discipline and in education.  This artifact shows that I am able to share reading knowledge with my colleagues. I presented the various stages of reading instruction to my staff and answered questions that they had on the material.

     * Standard E: Professional Development and Leadership: The candidate engages in continued professional development and provides leadership at the classroom, school, and community levels, and within the profession.  I was involved with Lincoln County's Foundational Reading class. Our county picked a certain number of people to be involved with this professional development opportunity. This artifact shows that I provided foundational reading knowledge to my staff.






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