Copyright 2005 Leah A. Caldwell, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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Artifact Eight: Professional Development:  I am always looking to further my knowledge in the field of education. This artifact shows some ways that I have utilized professional development this year.

Context: The field of Special Education is ever changing. Finding appropriate instruction for student's who have disabilities is my main goal. The inclusion model of teaching is new and upcoming in my field. Lincoln County works hard to incorporate this type of instruction. Rick Welch, a former speech language pathologist, is a leader in our county's push toward inclusion. In order for a special education teacher and a regular education teacher to work together, training must be conducted by Rick. He comes into our district and shares how inclusion should work. Both the regular and EC teacher are involved in this learning process. He comes into the classroom periodically and watches the two interact. He is making sure that teaching styles are a good match and that we are doing all we can to meet the needs of our students. I included some of his handouts on inclusion as well as a copy of observation results. The North Carolina International Dyslexia Association held a conference in Charlotte on the 11th and 12th of March. I was fortunate enough to go with other EC teachers from my county. The speakers were Salley E. Shaywitz, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director, Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention, Yale University School of Medicine and the author of Overcoming Dyslexia and Bennett A. Shaywitz, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology, Co-Director, Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention. Along with the two listed above Dr. Rebecca Felton, Vicki Norris, and Dr. Bob Schlagal were also presenters. This conference was a fantastic way to gather new data on teaching reading and writing to students who have dyslexia. I also was chosen to become the trainer for CECAS, or the comprehensive exceptional children accountability system, for the upcoming school year. I went to UNCC with my EC director and other members of the EC staff to learn about this system. Student's IEP will be developed using this system.

Alignment: In completing my professional development the following Standards for the Master's Degree program were met.

     * Standard C: Research: The candidate uses research to examine and improve instructional effectiveness and student achievement.  This artifact shows that I am involved with the upcoming research in the field of special education. I use research to guide my discussions with parents and colleagues. Going to the Dyslexia Conference prompted me to buy the book called Overcoming Dyslexia. This book talks about the brain research that has been done on Dyslexia.

     * Standard D: Content Knowledge: The candidate demonstrates advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in the academic discipline and in education. Being a special education teacher, I have to have a meeting at least once a year with parents, administrators, and colleagues. I am the leader of this meeting and have to be aware of different areas of special education. This artifact shows that I am able to lead a discussion on the upcoming area of inclusion. I can also help guide parents in the right direction when they have a child struggling with Dyslexia.

     *  Standard E: Professional Development and Leadership: The candidate engages in professional development and provides leadership at the classroom, school, and community levels, and within the profession.   This artifact proves that I am a teacher who is willing to search out information on recent issues. I can initiate inquiry into the field of disabilities, special education paperwork, and strategies for inclusion. I seek input from specialists in the medical and educational field. I will take the information that is learned and evaluate my own professional development so that I can apply myself better in the field of special education.