Home Page | Artifact Four: Educational Plans
This artifact
includes an example of an IEP, PEP, and goals and objectives from Lincoln
County's Reading Foundation class.
Context: Being in the field of Special Education, I am required to have an individualized educational plan for all of my students. An IEP is developed by a committee that includes a school administrator, student's teacher, parents, and a special education teacher. It contains goals and objectives bases upon the student's present level of educational performance. These goals and objectives are outlined by those involved in planning and providing services. The IEP is an outlined management tool of the student's special education program. It is a document that is revised as the needs of the student changes. The annual review of the IEP serves as an evaluation of the student's progress toward meeting the educational goals and objectives. PEP's, or personal education plans, are designed to help students who scored a level 1 or 2 in writing, reading, or math. The PEP that I included is an example of the written plan that provides focused intervention and remediation to help students attain grade level proficiency. The last educational plan that I included is an educational plan from Lincoln County's Foundation class. I had to assess one of my students and then provide a written educational plan based upon the assessment results. Alignment: In completing this activity the following Standards for the Master's program were met. * Standard A: Instructional Expertise: The candidate demonstrates instructional expertise by applying the theoretical, philosophical, and research bases for educational practice in P-12 settings to improve student learning: This artifact shows that I am able to take my student's present level of performance and align it with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. I can link the subject matter in 4th and 5th grade to the performance of my students. I lead and conduct the IEP meeting with teachers, administrators, and parents. I am seen as the one who is knowledgeable of what objectives would be best for a child. * Standard B: Knowledge of Learners: The candidate incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning into the planning, delivery, and evaluation of instruction. Having students who are struggling with special needs is a daily challenge. I am able to take their educational plans and incorporate their knowledge to the instructional lessons. I have a better sense of where my students are functioning at all academic, social, behavioral, and psychological levels. I can then take that information to guide my instruction. * Standard D: Content Knowledge: The candidate demonstrates advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in the academic discipline and in education. The educational plans that are listed guide my lessons in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. I am able to see what my students are able to do and align my lessons to fit their needs. Many of my students are functioning way below grade level. I am able to take the information gathered at meetings and align instruction to fit the needs of students. * Standard E: Professional Development and Leadership: The candidate engages in professional development and provides leadership at the classroom, school, and community levels, and within the profession. The education plans listed are completed in collaboration with other colleagues. I am able to work with grade level teachers to make an educational plan that fits the students needs at the present level. We work together to make goals and objectives that will help the child move toward academic success. |