Copyright 2005 Laura Southard, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University



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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1 Home & School Connection

Artifact # 2 Practicum Experience

Artifact # 3 Transcript Analysis

Artifact # 4 Multi-Genre Project

Artifact # 5 Vocabulary Lesson

Artifact # 6 Author Study

Artifact # 7 Assessment & Correction

Artifact # 8 Word Sorts & ESL

Artifact # 9 Novel Study




Artifact Three:  Transcript Analysis  This artifact was designed to evaluate my questioning techniques used when reading aloud to my first grade students.  The transcript analysis was used to take an in-depth view into my own teaching and the types of questions I ask my students during oral discussions.

Context:  This project was completed during RE 5730 Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate & Advanced Learners.  The purpose for the transcript analysis was to aid me in directing my students with appropriate types of questioning during interactions with text, both nonfiction and fiction.  The analysis also helped me plan my read aloud discussions by analyzing the text for important ideas and possible misunderstandings.  By stopping at pre-selected segments throughout the text, the students were asked to retrieve information based on personal experiences and from memory.  The students were encouraged to make inferences, predict what was to come, evaluate, connect, compare/contrast, and summarize information relating to the text.  Based upon student responses from the kinds of questioning, I was able to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as a facilitator during highly effective comprehension instruction.  After analyzing and reflecting on each transcript, I was able to plan my questions more carefully so that the students are encouraged to respond more critically.


Standard A:  Instructional Expertise  Educational literature is used to improve student learning and classroom strategies during interactive oral discussions of read alouds.  Literacy is integrated across the curriculum.

Standard B:  Knowledge of Learners  The classroom environment is conducive to learning so that all students feel welcome and successful as a learner.  The students' interests are taken into account when choosing the literature for read alouds.  The reading is modeled and the students are encouraged to be life-long readers.

Standard C:  Research  Student responses during oral discussions are recorded and analyzed based on contemporary research.  The data collected is used to improve student learning by developing questions that are effective in creating critical thinkers.   

Standard D:  Content Knowledge  Current knowledge and trends in education are understood in the questioning techniques used during oral discussions.   The student responses are analyzed and evaluated for relationships as it pertains to current classroom practices.

Standard E:  Professional Development and Leadership  Professors and colleagues observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on orally recorded classroom discussions.  Through collaboration with others, feedback and reflections are used to revise current questioning techniques used during oral discussions.