Copyright 2005 Laura Southard, Reich College of Education,
Artifact #1 Home & School Connection Artifact # 2 Practicum Experience Artifact # 3 Transcript Analysis Artifact # 4 Multi-Genre Project Artifact # 5 Vocabulary Lesson Artifact # 7 Assessment & Connection
Artifact Five: Vocabulary Lesson This lesson was designed to focus on particular tier one and tier two words before, during, and after reading a story. The vocabulary activities are designed to expose the students the higher level vocabulary words that they can use in their daily reading and writing. Context: This lesson was designed during RE 5538 Vocabulary Instruction to Enhance Reading Comprehension. It was designed to elaborate and extend a student's vocabulary by using literature that is read aloud to the students. Before reading a story, I would choose five to seven tier two words that the students may or may not have seen or heard before. I had a word chart that the students filled out on whether they had never seen the word, they knew what it was, or that had heard of it. Throughout the reading of the story I would stop at particular spots to question the students about a vocabulary word and provide real life connections that they could easily relate to. Various word activities throughout the vocabulary sequenced lesson included word associations, cloze passages, idea completions, examples/non examples and making choices. Speed Rounds were also included in the lesson sequence that quizzed the students on the newly learned vocabulary words. At the end of the lesson sequence an assessment component was included as a final view as to whether or not they truly understood the meanings of the vocabulary words. Alignment: Standard A: Instructional Expertise Vocabulary is selected during the context of a story based on the students' developmental level and the necessary words needed to provide meaningful comprehension instruction. The best instructional practices are researched, evaluated, and implemented to have the most positive impact on the students' learning. Standard B: Knowledge of Learners The classroom environment is conducive to learning and respects the differences of all learners. Instruction is designed and delivered in a manner that is understanding and responsive to individual differences. Standard D: Content Knowledge
Major components of reading are demonstrated and applied when carefully
selecting vocabulary from literature. The selective vocabulary is chosen
to expose the students to more higher level words so that it may aid in the
comprehension of the story.