Copyright 2005 Laura Southard, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University


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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1 Home & School Connection

Artifact # 2 Practicum Experience

Artifact # 3 Transcript Analysis

Artifact # 4 Multi-Genre Project

Artifact # 5 Vocabulary Lesson

Artifact # Author Study

Artifact # 7  Assessment & Correction

Artifact # Word Sorts & ESL

Artifact # 9 Novel Study




Artifact SevenReading Assessment & Correction       This case study was completed on a fourth grade student to determine their instructional reading and spelling level.

Context: This case study was completed in RE 5525 Reading Assessment and Correction to assess and determine a student's instructional reading level.  I began the assessment by administering the Informal Reading Inventory.  The first component of the IRI was the word recognition test.  I used the flash score from the test to determine which level to begin the oral reading passages.  The oral reading passages allow the teacher to view the student's oral reading accuracy, rate, and comprehension.  I then used the oral reading scores to determine where to assess their silent reading.  In assessing the student's silent reading, one must assess them one level below their instructional level, one passage at, and one silent passage above their instructional reading level.  During the silent reading the teacher can assess the student's rate and comprehension.  The last component of the IRI is the spelling inventory.  By using the spelling inventory the teacher can determine the student's instructional spelling level.  The inventory also provides a detailed view as to the student's ability to connect the letter/sound relationship, as well as short vowel patterns, blends, digraphs, and long vowel patterns.  Once all the assessment components were complete, I filled out the summary sheet that included all the accuracy percentages, rates, and comprehension scores.  Using the summary sheet I also included a written summary about the student and how they performed on the IRI.



Standard A:  Instructional Expertise  The informal reading inventory and the spelling inventory are both used to assess and determine a student's performance.  Through the use of the assessments, instruction and strategies can be designed, modified and implemented to meet the various learning needs of each student. 

Standard B:  Knowledge of Learners  The assessments provide information to the classroom teacher about each student's instructional reading and spelling level.  The teacher reflects and modifies the classroom instruction in hopes of fostering student learning.

Standard C:  Research The assessments are used to determine student performance in the school setting.  The results are used to improve student learning and classroom practices.

Standard D:  Content Knowledge Theoretical and content knowledge is applied to understand current trends and practices in the educational field.