Daily Lessons Plans Spring 2010
RE 3030-350 Wilkes Community College
(Foundations of Literacy)
Dr. Trathen


Week 1
Tuesday, January 12    




Web site resources http://www.ltl.appstate.edu/reading_resources/index.htm

Midterm Exam Example

What is Reading (Lecture)

Phonics and Word Recognition
Download Phonics and Word Recognition Concepts and begin to study the concepts. Answer as many of the concepts as possible for class week 4, and come with questions. 

Reading & Reading Log

RE 3030 Course Blog

Blog Assignment: Creating your own blog                               


Create a blog for this course. See instructions on RE 3030 Course Blog.
Follow the instructions and create the blog for Week 2.
Send the blog address (URL) to your instructor in an email ([email protected]).
Due Week 2

Read article “Reading Storybooks to Kindergartners"
Use the study guide that goes with this article to help you read the article. Then, post a response to the article on your blog--see instructions for your response on the course blog.
Due Week 2

Read article “Daddy, Where Did the Words Go?"
Use the study guide that goes with this article to help you focus on the most important parts of the article. Then, post a response to the article on your blog--see instructions for your response on the course blog.
Due Week 2

Complete Portrait Poem and Acrostic Assignment.
See instructions on course Web page and on course blog.
Post on your blog (About page).
Due Week 3

Begin working on your reading log assignment. Post one book for each week of class--minimum of 12 by the end of the semester. Create a page on your blog for these posts--see instructions.
First review post due Week 3

Read Text Talk Article (see course Web page) and Text Talk Lesson plan in
packet. Post reflection on blog--see course blog for instructions.
Due Week 4

Download the phonics handout and complete as much as possible.
Bring to class on Week 4 and be ready to ask questions.
Due Week 4

Word Study Assignment: Cut out picture and word cards from packet and organize. Suggestion: use baggies for each group until you get a word box. Purchase a word box for these cards. See instructions on course Web page--scope and sequence.
Due Week 4 (Cutting out and organizing the picture and word cards)

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Purchase books from ASU bookstore or elsewhere.
Get Morris and Slavin textbook. Read Chapters 1 & 2 & 3 and complete study guide. Post completed study guide on your blog.
Due Week 5


Week 2
Tuesday, January 19

Questions About Syllabus and Class

Work on blogs

Emergent Literacy

Lecture and Examples of the Developmental Nature of Literacy

Beginning Reading Instruction (Introduction)



Complete Portrait Poem and Acrostic Assignment.
See instructions on course Web page and on course blog.
Post on your blog (About page).
Due Week 3

Begin working on your reading log assignment. Post one book for each week of class--minimum of 12 by the end of the semester. Create a page on your blog for these posts--see instructions.
First review post due Week 3

Read Text Talk Article (see course Web page) and Text Talk Lesson plan in
packet. Post reflection on blog--see course blog for instructions.
Due Week 4

Download the phonics handout and complete as much as possible.
Bring to class on Week 4 and be ready to ask questions.
Due Week 4

Word Study Assignment: Cut out picture and word cards from packet and organize. Suggestion: use baggies for each group until you get a word box. Purchase a word box for these cards. See instructions on course Web page--scope and sequence.
Due Week 4 (Cutting out and organizing the picture and word cards)

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Purchase books from ASU bookstore or elsewhere.
Get Morris and Slavin textbook. Read Chapters 1 & 2 & 3 and complete study guide. Post completed study guide on your blog.
Due Week 5

Goldilocks Text Talk Lesson--see instructions.
Due Week 6

See knowledge exam example on class Web site.
Download it, save it to a disk, and begin to study it.


Week 3
Tuesday, January 26

Work on Blog
Share Acrostic and Portrait Poems

Text Talk Lesson Demonstration 

Beginning Reading Instruction (Introduction)

Developmental Word Study

Scope and Sequence

Picture Sort Demonstration



Download the phonics handout and complete as much as possible.
Bring to class on Week 4 and be ready to ask questions.
Due Week 6

Word Study Assignment: Cut out picture and word cards from packet and organize. Suggestion: use baggies for each group until you get a word box. Purchase a word box for these cards. See instructions on course Web page--scope and sequence.
Due Week 6 (Cutting out and organizing the picture and word cards)

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Purchase books from ASU bookstore or elsewhere.
Get Morris and Slavin textbook. Read Chapters 1 & 2 & 3 and complete study guide. Post completed study guide on your blog.
Due Week 5

Goldilocks Text Talk Lesson--see instructions.
Due Week 6

See knowledge exam example on class Web site.
Download it, save it to a disk, and begin to study it.


Week 4
Tuesday, February 2

Inclement Weather--Wilkes Community College Closed


Morris and Slavin textbook. Read Chapters 1 & 2 & 3 and complete study guide. Post completed study guide on your blog.
Due Week 5

Goldilocks Text Talk Lesson Due Week 6

Part 2: Plan a text talk lesson for Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Marshall. See instructions for this assignment. Post this lesson on your blog.
Due Week 6

Part 3: Find text talk book for you next text talk lesson. You will be planning a text talk lesson that you will do in class--choose a picture book for this lesson and bring title or book to class. See the list of books at the back of the text talk lesson in the packet--you may select from these titles or another if you get my approval. Also see the examples of the lessons on the class Web site--do NOT select books that already have lessons on the Web site.
Bring title of book to class Week 7

Download the phonics handout and complete as much as possible.
Bring to class on Week 4 and be ready to ask questions.
Due Week 6

Word Study Assignment: Cut out picture and word cards from packet and organize. Suggestion: use baggies for each group until you get a word box. Purchase a word box for these cards. See instructions on course Web page--scope and sequence.
Due Week 6 (Cutting out and organizing the picture and word cards)

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Read Stahl (2003) article and use study guide to post a response to your blog.
Due Week 6

Optional Reading: Read Ehri and Rosenthal article and use the study guide. Optional Assignment: Post the responses to the study guide on your blog. Look at the powerpoint presentation to help you understand the article. We will discuss the article in class.
Due Week 7

See knowledge exam example on class Web site.
Download it, save it to a disk, and begin to study it.


Week 5
Tuesday, February 9

Called to Jury Duty--Class Cancelled


Goldilocks Text Talk Lesson Due Week 6

Part 2: Plan a text talk lesson for Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Marshall. See instructions for this assignment. Post this lesson on your blog.
Due Week 6

Part 3: Find text talk book for you next text talk lesson. You will be planning a text talk lesson that you will do in class--choose a picture book for this lesson and bring title or book to class. See the list of books at the back of the text talk lesson in the packet--you may select from these titles or another if you get my approval. Also see the examples of the lessons on the class Web site--do NOT select books that already have lessons on the Web site.
Bring title of book to class Week 7

Read Stahl (2003) article and use study guide to post a response to your blog.
Due Week 6

Word Study Assignment: Cut out picture and word cards from packet and organize. Suggestion: use baggies for each group until you get a word box. Purchase a word box for these cards. See instructions on course Web page--scope and sequence.
Due Week 6 (Cutting out and organizing the picture and word cards)

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Optional Reading: Read Ehri and Rosenthal article and use the study guide. Optional Assignment: Post the responses to the study guide on your blog. Look at the powerpoint presentation to help you understand the article. We will discuss the article in class.
Due Week 7

See knowledge exam example on class Web site.
Download it, save it to a disk, and begin to study it.


Week 6
Tuesday, February 16

Beginning Reading Instruction (Kindergarten)

Beginning Reading Instruction (Kindergarten and First Grade)

Developmental Word Study

Scope and Sequence

Practice Analyzing Misspellings and Identifying Developmental Stage

Word Box

Phonics and Word Recognition Concepts

Worksheet in class
Finish on own—but ask questions if you need information

See links to phonics Web sites

See links to Dolch word lists



Bring Frog and Toad to Class Week 7

Goldilocks Text Talk Lesson

Part 3: Find text talk book for you next text talk lesson. You will be planning a text talk lesson that you will do in class--choose a picture book for this lesson and bring title or book to class. See the list of books at the back of the text talk lesson in the packet--you may select from these titles or another if you get my approval. Also see the examples of the lessons on the class Web site--do NOT select books that already have lessons on the Web site.
Bring title of book to class Week 7

Lesson Due Week 8: post on your blog

Optional: Read summary of developmental spelling stages on course Web page.
Use study guide on Course Web page to write a reflection on your blog.

Due Week 7

Optional Reading: Read Ehri and Rosenthal article and use the study guide. Optional Assignment: Post the responses to the study guide on your blog. Look at the powerpoint presentation to help you understand the article. We will discuss the article in class.
Due Week 7


Week 7
Tuesday, February 23

Reading Instruction (2nd Grade)

Language Experience (video)

DRTA Model the activity with Frog and Toad

Leveled Materials

    * Basals and Trade Books
          Preprimer 1, 2, 3
          Primer 1, 2, 3
          First 1, 2, 3, 4
          Second 1, 2
          Third 1, 2
    * Reading Recovery and Grade Level Lists
          Database 1 (See links on class Web site)
    * Decodable Texts

Guided Reading Types

Word Box



Text Talk Lesson for the book you selected posted on your blog.
Due Week 8

Make "Show Me" Sort
Due Week 8.

Read Chapter 5 (Curt--pgs. 170-187) from Howard Street Tutoring Manual by Morris.
Answer questions from study guide on your blog.
Due Week 8

DRTA Lesson with Frog and Toad (Bring to class),
Post Leson on Your blog
Due Week 8

Read DRTA Research Article and post answers to the study guide on your blog. Also look at the DRTA Lesson and examples listed on the class Web site:

DTRA Lesson

Due Week 9

Study for Midterm Exam


Week 8
Tuesday, March 2

DRTA Lessons

Word Box


Phonics and Word Recognition Concepts

Review for midterm exam and work on assignments



Read DRTA Research Article and post answers to the study guide on your blog. Also look at the DRTA Lesson and examples listed on the class Web site:

DTRA Lesson

Due Week 9

Study for Midterm Exam (Week 11)


Tuesday, March 9

No Class



Week 9
Tuesday, March 16

Reading Instruction (2nd Grade)

Vowel Pattern Sorts




Study for Midterm Exam (Week 11)


Week 10
Tuesday, March 23


Reading Instruction (2nd Grade)

Vowel Pattern Sorts




Study for Midterm Exam (Week 11: Tuesday, March 30)


Week 11
Tuesday, March 30


Midterm Exam Tuesday, March 30



Assessment Materials Organized and Bring to Class
Due Week 12

Read and Post on your blog response to Rasinski article (Fluency)
Due Week 12


Tuesday, April 6

No Class



Week 12
Tuesday, April 13


Reading Instruction (2nd Grade)

Literature Circles Roles with Polar Bears Past Bedtime (in class)

See links on course Web page





Week 12
Tuesday, April 20


Reading Instruction (2nd Grade)

Vowel Pattern Sorts






Tuesday, April 27

No Class

Reading Day

Final Exam Due and All Assignments Turned In
