Becca Moyer, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

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Artifact # 9

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Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact 9
Unit Plan:This unit plan is designed to focus on literature circles at the elementary grade level.
This unit plan was designed in my Language Arts class and Literacy class during my internship.The unit plan is based on literature circles. Students are broken up into different groups according to reading levels.Each member of the group is assigned a job (Discussion Director, Passage Picker, Word Wizard, Character Sketcher, Investigator…). 
This unit plan is a great way for students to enhance their knowledge on a book. 
The students will read a particular book, and then discuss the book with their group members with the help of the assigned jobs.This particular unit plan corresponds to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Language Arts and Social Studies for fifth grade.This unit plan meets many competencies listed below.Because this lesson is on the web, it is a detailed resource available to teachers who may be interested in doing literature circles within their classrooms.
This particular unit plan is a very detailed framework to help teachers create their own literature circles unit plan.There are many opportunities to meet Language Arts Competencies and Social Studies Competencies.This unit plan integrates technology and databases of instructional materials (Tech Comp 12.5).There are different jobs that support learner expression using different media tools (i.e. investigator) (Tech Comp 12.7).Literature circles provide students with many opportunities to locate and analyze information as well as draw conclusions (for example, a student’s job may be investigator:The student may be assigned to find information off the Internet about the subject of a book or about the author of the book.By using technology, the student can find information to share with their group members)(Tech Comp 12.1).This unit plan also meets Tech Comp 14.1.As students work with the Internet is important for them to know the policies and procedures when finding information and writing about it.I will make sure students know to site where they found their information.