Megan Presnell, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

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Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact 7
ESL Internet site:  This is a web site where the site translates words into a different language.

I found this web site to use for my classroom in one of my block classes called Integrating Media and Technology into Teaching (CI 3750). On this web site you can type in a word and it will translate it into the language you choose.  Some examples of the ones they use are: Spanish into English, Italian into English, French into English, English to Spanish, English to Portuguese, etc. You can also type in a URL, and it will translate the entire web site into the language you would like.

If I had any ESL students in my classroom, I would have them use the site so they would be able to use the Internet.  If I wanted an ESL student to look at a certain site, I would type in the URL and have it translate the entire site into the language that the students spoke. 

I have shown I can use media and technology to support learning for children whose primary language is not English by providing a web site that will translate words or web pages into their language (Tech Comp 13.3).

As a soon-to be teacher I realized that I do not have many resources that I could use to help ESL students when they are having difficulty. I found this website to translate web pages into the students language. This would help the child to be able to participate in technology activities. Since I evaluated the fact I did not know much about ESL students, and sought to change this I fulfilled (Standard #9).