Angelee M. Deardorff, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

INTASC Principles


This Computer Sign-In, Sign-Out Sheet can be used to facilitate equal opportunities for computer use in one classroom.  It is a log for teachers to use to identify who is receiving ample time on the computer(s) in the classroom engaging in educational CD-ROMs, as well as which students could use more time. 

I created this Computer Sign-in, Sign-out Sheet in the Fall of 2001, using Microsoft Word ME.  I created a table.  

Creating sign-in/sign-out sheets for students is important for safe and fair computer usage.  The plan for using the computers in my classroom will depend on how many computers I have in the room.  I can file away the sheets for future reference.  For instance, if I have two students arguing over the computer, and who will use it next, all I would need to do is pull the file with these sign-in/sign-out sheets and I will discover whose turn it should be.  They cannot argue over the legitimacy of that process. 

According to the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, teachers are to facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students (Goal VIE). A sign-in/sign out sheet like this will help contribute to fair usage of the technology resources available in the classroom. This type of sheet will help manage the students and their time spent on the computer.  They will be required to sign their names, their time in and then time out.  

This document is just one of the ways in which I plan to govern student learning in a technology-enhanced environment (Goal IIE).  I can manage their learning by ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity and time frame for free computer usage, and during instruction using special software for different subject matter.  A sign in sheet will always make a teacher's job less demanding in that it can be filed away after it is full and there can never be any argument among students about which student is next in line for the computer.  Most classrooms at this point only have one or two, or even fewer computers, therefore it is necessary for the teacher to ensure that each child gets equal opportunities. 

The computer sign-in/sign-out sheet is also a way which verifies that the management of the student's technology resources are being utilized to the fullest extent for everyone.  This type of sign-in sheet is indicative of the way I plan to manage the use of the resources in the classroom within the context of learning activities, as well as extension activities (Goal IID).