The faculty advisors for this portfolio were:
Mr. Jeff Goodman
Dr. Pamela Schram
Other References:
Mrs. Carla Greene, Cooperating Teacher for Student Teaching
First Grade Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
Sugar Grove, NC
Mrs. Faye Williams, Cooperating Teacher for Internship
Second Grade Teacher
Bethel Elementary School
Sugar Grove, NC
Dr. Pamela Schram
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University, PO Box 30247
[email protected]
Dr. Woodrow Trathen
Department of Curriculum Language, Reading and Exceptionalities
Appalachian State University
[email protected]
Mrs. Betty Dishman
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Appalachian State University, PO Box 30246
[email protected]
Beth Frye
Appalachian State University
[email protected]