Cover Page
Artifact #1 |
This is a fun project that students will enjoy and remember for a life time. Students will choose an everyday item for which they will create a new use for. Once students have invented a new use for their item they will write an article advertising their product and create a web page containing their article. I have created a web page that contains a lesson plan, and example page, and a student page. Context:
Alignment: This project will allow and help me address the curricular standards using technology. It gives the students a chance to work on the computer while at the same time having them to be creative in their thoughts. (Technology Standard III A) This project will allow the students time to work with various types of technology. The teacher will have to manage the students work with the technology, giving each child a chance to work with the digital camera and other programs needed to complete the assignment. Each student will learn about how technology is used to produce a final product. (Technology Standard III D) This project includes a sample rubric for grading the assignment given. Both students and teachers will be able to access the rubric allowing students to access this information will help the students better understand what is expected from them. Having an e-mail address allows students to e-mail questions and the teacher to return feed back. (Technology Standard IV C) This project also makes sure that each child has equal time using the technology resources. The teacher will need to assign each student time to work with the technology provided. (Technology Standard VI E) This project provides learning opportunities for students that support their intellectual, social, and personal development. This project will give students a chance to interact with others while at the same time encourages them to come up with their own ideas. (INTASC 2) This project involves using a variety of teaching and learning strategies. Students are encouraged to be creative in their thoughts and express themselves with little instruction from the teacher. Students are provided with a format and are encouraged to find new ways to present their invention. The teacher will assume various roles such as instructor, facilitator, coach, and will also be their audience. (INTASC 4) A sample rubric is included in this project to
assist teachers whom will be grading the assignment. The students as well
as the teacher can access this rubric. An e-mail address is also included
so that students will be able to e-mail the teacher their thoughts and
concerns about the project. (INTASC 8)