ETSI Advanced Competency Collection

Summer Harpold, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Social Studies Unit Plan

     The Social Studies Unit Plan that my group designed together is on the subject matter of North Carolina:  Regions and People for fourth grade.  Four people combined information and experience to include several different famous North Carolinians and the regions that they are from.  This unit plan includes the Mountain, Piedmont, Coastal, and Pee Dee regions, and Grandfather Mountain, Betsy Byars, Jesse Helms, and Michael Jordan.  There are four weeks designed into this unit plan that include lesson plans and activities for the students.  Throughout the unit, students will utilize different technology for several reasons.   So, the computer skills that fourth graders need to meet are listed within the unit (10.1).  At times during the four weeks, media and technology will be used to present the subject matter to the students (11.2).  There will be times when overheads and VCRs are used for the classroom.  The week that Michael Jordan and Pee Dee region is taught, there will be several clips from television footage is used (10.2).  Also, during the week of the Pee Dee region, a lesson on hurricanes and flooding is included.  This would be a great time for the class to visit a health department in the area to explain their roles in a medical emergency during a natural disaster.  This would make use of local services to meet diverse learning needs (13.4).  Cooperative learning groups will work together for one activity on the internet (12.1).  The groups will participate in an internet scavenger hunt looking for different web sites and clues to go along with a particular region and person (12.5).  During the week that the coastal plain is   being presented, the main focus is government in North Carolina.  There will be a TV clip shown to the class about politics in North Carolina (12.6 ).  The last week of the unit plan is focused in the mountain region of North Carolina.  There is a growing population of Hispanics in the mountain region, and to help in learning about this culture, there is a lesson plan included on Kid Pics (13.3).