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Artifact #1
Artifact # 2
Artifact # 3
Artifact # 4
Artifact # 5
Artifact # 6
Artifact # 7
Artifact # 8
NC ETSI Advanced Competencies
References |
Social Studies Textbook
Evaluation Analysis
During my block experience at Appalachian State University,
I evaluated two fifth grade textbooks, America and Its Neighbors, and America's
Story. The artifact was compiled in order for me to think about both the
positives and negatives contained within textbooks. The information would
be helpful during a faculty meeting, or other meeting that textbooks would
be decided upon. I would also like to have my students evaluate two textbooks,
and use this as a model.
My experience with this gives me an insight on how to
evaluate and select quality resources for students, and then be able to
justify my decision. As a teacher, I want to help select the best
text possible for my students' learning. Also, it is important to
know and be able to prove that what I teach is important, beneficial, and
easy to learn and focus on. When my students are evaluating
own textbooks, they will be learning important skills about selecting beneficial
and understandable resources of information.
The evaluation process includes methods that can be used
by both students and educators. It is important that educators, as
well as students understand how to choose appropriate and efficient materials
to learn from (10.6). Also, the students,
as I compiled my results, can use the computer to present their collections
of data (12.1).