ETSI Advanced Competency Collection

Anne M. Younce, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Artifact # 3

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Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Map of Classroom

During my block experience at Appalachian State University, I created a map of my potential classroom in my Curriculum & Instruction 4000 class under Dr. Pam Schram.  It shows my plans of arrangement and reasons for the arrangement of my classroom.  The map could be used to show parents, students, and faculty why and how my classroom is arranged. 

The map helped me to develop my professionalism.  It allowed me to focus on important reasons in arrangement of a classroom.  Also, I was able to see and learn how it is most beneficial to the students for a class to be arranged. 

My map shows methods of arranging classroom physically to support and promote student activity (12.4).  Also, it shows that I plan on the computers having equal availability to all students, because I have two technology stations and checklists at each one (14.2)