Sarah Otvos, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

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Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

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Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact #6
Media Influence Study – This project is an online presentation of the findings of a media survey that my group and I gave to K-1 students.

This web page was constructed as a part of my Elementary School Curriculum and Instruction class during my Block experience at ASU.  I was assigned to a small group of my classmates who each worked with K-1 students in their internship.  After doing research on the developmental stages and characteristics of children at this age, we conducted a survey to determine the media’s influence on children of this age group.  We asked students in our classes the survey questions and recorded their answers using either video or audiotapes.  We compiled our findings and created a convenient website that shows this age group’s media influences, as well as helpful links related to these topics and items.

This web page is available to parents, teachers, students, and anyone else who has access to the Internet.  It helps to provide a better understanding of the outside influences of children in the K-1 age range.  After conducting this survey, I became a lot more aware of where many of my students’ everyday actions and comments were coming from.  By learning what types of things influence children, we can better comprehend the ways in which they think and act.

By accessing this website, people all around the world will be able to see, in a clear and simple way, the results of our K-1 student survey.  We chose the World Wide Web as our medium because it is easily accessible to almost anybody who wants to visit the web page.  The page is set up in comprehensible way by being split up into the sections TV shows, Movies, Hobbies, Music, and Books.  By clicking on one of these categories, a person can find out which components of each section have an impact on students at this age level (Tech. Comp. 11.2).