Online Portfolio
The artifacts exhibited within the portfolio were generated during
the course of my Block semester during Spring 2002. The portfolio
itself began to take form during the previous semester and was put on the
internet by the end of the semester.
This Online Portfolio is beneficial in demonstrating my capabilities
with technology and my awareness of technology in the classroom.
When I am teaching I won't be limited to just typing as far as what
I can offer my students and colleagues. Furthermore, my Online Portfolio
can be accessed by other teachers and provide them with new ideas.
Perhaps some of the activities that I included as artifacts might be used
by someone else.
The Artifacts I include demonstrate that I am capable of technology
skills beyond basic word processing. I have had experience with various
technologies such as I -movie, scanning images, links and taking digital
images. My artifacts are not pointless and useless, but are examples
of how I have used technology already and how I can in the future as well.
Technology is growing at rapid speed and Block has prepared me for what's
to come.
Alignment with INTASC Principles
This portfolio aligns with INTASC
Standard 1 because it is full of activities that teachers can use in
their classrooms to get children engaged and learning. The activities
encourage students to use their thinking skills and expand their creativity
to create a product. Not only does this portfolio include activities
that engage students socialy by working with others or make the subject
matter meaningful through first hand experience, it also gives educators
helpful information to consider when teaching children such as Internet