Cover Page
T.O.C by Artifact
T.O.C. by Tech Competency
T.O.C. by INTASC Principles
Artifact #1
Artifact # 2
Artifact # 3
Artifact # 4
Artifact # 5
Artifact # 6
Artifact # 7
Artifact # 8
Artifact # 9
Artifact # 10
Artifact # 11
Artifact # 12
ETSI Advanced Competencies
References |
Artifact 1
Sequencing Lesson: an online lesson plan for 3rd or 4th grade in which
students use on-line pictures and word processing software to create a
creative writing story.
This artifact was created during my Integrating Media, Technology and
Classroom Instruction course at Appalachian State University in the fall
of 2000.
The Picture Sequencing Lesson corresponds to the NCSCS for English
Language Arts and Computer Technology Skills with the corresponding goals
and objectives linked from the lesson plan. As a web page, the Picture
Sequencing Lesson is available to other teachers to use with their students.
For this portfolio, the Story Sequencing Lesson meets some of the NCSCS
Computer Skills Competencies for grades 3 and 4. This lesson plan
is used to identify and teach students computer competencies they need
to know and be able to perform (Tech.
Comp. 10.1). In addition, the lesson integrates NCSCS Language
Arts Competencies and Computer Skills Competencies together (Tech.
Comp. 10.4). I will not only have the students copy and paste
the pictures to a word processing document with text to be displayed in
the classroom, but I will have them write the steps down for this process.
This will get them ready to succeed on the NC Computer Skills Assessment
(Tech. Comp. 10.5). Using technology
to gather and sequence the story in cooperative group setting helps facilitate
teaching strategies specific to the English/Language Arts Curriculum such
as using technology to create oral, written and visual texts (Tech.
Comp. 11.4). The Story Sequencing lesson is selected to meet
appropriate curriculum goals, reflects effective teacher training, incorporates
media and technology in classroom instruction and allows students a variety
of ways to apply and use media (Tech. Comp.
12.7). Through group work and providing students various means
by which to gather and utilize the picture sequencing information, teachers
are using multiple resources available for instruction (INTASC