Artifact 6
Health Education and North
Carolina resource files: pamphlets, web sources, worksheets and
lesson plans compiled as a resource for lessons and activities to use in
classes in the future.
These artifacts were created during Health Education in the Elementary
Schools (1998) and North Carolina History (1999) pre-service teacher training
classes at Appalachian State University.
I will use these resource files as references for valuable information
to supplement my Health curriculum. The Health resource file includes
information on specific health topics ranging form personal health to fire
prevention and safety. In the files, I have information to supplement
lessons in various areas or for students to use as resources for research
on Health related topics. I will use the North Carolina resources
in a similar fashion. The North Carolina resources are arranged to
specifically fit the 4th grade curriculum for North Carolina and will be
helpful with planning and integrating Social Studies into my classroom
curriculum in various ways.
The Health Education and North Carolina resource files contain appropriate
teaching and learning resources through the pamphlets, worksheets and web
sites in each file. These files cover information specifically referred
to in the five strands of in the NCSCS for 4th grade Social Studies.
A list of catalogs and address for further information relating to Health
Education is located in the Health Education file (Tech.
Comp. 10.6). These resources will serve as an additional source
of knowledge and information for me as well as supplemental material to
my classroom instruction and lessons. The information in the files
are specific to the community (i.e.- services available at the county Health
Department) and can be tailored to meet the instructional needs of the
curriculum depending on grade level (INTASC