Katie R. Hovland, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Math assessments, a group of assessments that focus on students’ mathematical understanding

   These math assessments were conducted during my pre-service training at Appalachian State University within the course, “Mathematics in the Elementary School.”

   Through completing these assessments, I learned how to understand children’s mathematical thinking and how to adapt instruction to their understanding. I also learned about myself as a “mathematician” and assessed my own mathematical thinking and its impact on my future classroom. As part of the assessment, we were required to conduct interviews with young mathematicians (our students), collect and evaluate classroom sets of papers, and document one student's mathematical progress throughout the semester. 

   Most of the assessments that I conducted were informal, but gave me a very clear understanding of my student’s mathematical understanding. Learning about students’ attitudes and feelings towards certainly made me reevaluate the way I approach math in my classroom. For some students, overcoming a negative attitude towards math will be my most challenging task. Assessing a classroom set of papers helped me to better understand how to evaluate the progress of the entire class and the steps my instruction needs to take to further their progress. Following one student over a period of time required me to think about the ways in which I will handle individuals with differing needs and abilities in my classroom. Instruction may have to be modified in a number of ways to ensure everyone's success in math (INTASC #8).