Artifact # 2 |
Artifact 2
Inquiry Project Presentation it informs teachers of meeting the needs of diverse learners in a classroom. It gives a brief overview of several behavioral disorders that you as a teacher may encounter and different ways to deal with these disorders. The project was designed to help me communicate information in an orderly fashion in front of an audience. Rationale for the Artifact: Inquiry Project Presentation Competency 13.2: "Use media and technology to support learning for children with special needs. " Competency 13.3: "Use media and technology to support learning for children whose primary language is not English." Competency 13.4: "Use appropriate local, state, and national services or resources to meet diverse learning needs through technology ." Context: Impact: Alignment: This artifact aligns with competency 13.3 - it allowed me to learn more about ESL, which will help me to meet the needs of those students whose primary language is not English. I am also aware that there are many web sites online that will act as translators for letters and important documents, that may need to be sent home to those parents who can not speak English. These are a few of them www.freetranslation.com and www.englishlearner.com . This artifact aligns with competency 13.4 - it made me aware of local, state, and national services that can help meet the needs of diverse learners within my classroom. The inquiry presentation also aligns with INTASC principle 9 - it allowed me to assess my teaching and my students learning. Learning how to assess myself and to become reflective of my teaching will help me to become aware of my strengths and weaknesses, which will allow me to continue to grow and learn. This will help me to grow professionally within the learning community. |