Julia Sherrill, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

INTASC Principles


Artifact 2:
Literature Circle Unit

The Literature Circle Unit was created by three other students and me in my Reading and Language Methods class during block 436 at Appalachian State University.  We created our Literature Circle Unit Plan on netscape composer. 

Preparing for a Literature Circle Unit, made me create a unit which made me meet the wide variety of reading levels that teachers have in one classroom. 

The unit included 4 different reading levels, we choose our on grade level to be fourth grade.  Each level has a variety of books to read, second grade five books, third grade two books, on grade and above grade one book.  As a group we created the launch and conclusion activities.  My contribution to the Unit Plan was the lessons for fourth grade. The Literature Circle Unit Plan is an ideal strategy to address different reading levels in a classroom while also exploring science issues.  The unit concentrates on science by taking a deeper look into endangered spieces around the United States.  Each novel that the different reading levels read all include and expand knowledge on endangered species.  Since, all of the books are personalized for each reading level, each student in the classroom has an equal chance to succeed in expanding their knowlege, explore literature in a meaningful way, and improve as a reader (INTASC Principle #3) and (Tech III. B) There are many jobs that require the use of technology also, investigator has to research manatees on the internet (Tech. IV.C).  The jobs that are assigned in the lessons hold each student accountable for their work, gives them responsbility, and ownership of their personalized learning (INTASC Principle #1) and (INTASC Principle #5)