ETSI Advanced Competency Collection

Beverly McBroom, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Artifact # 8

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Social Studies Unit Plan

     Two of my Block classmates and I created a Social Studies unit plan.  Our unit topic was communities.  Not only was the unit for Social Studies, but Literature was integrated as well.  The unit covered the basic curricular connections, interdisciplinary links, essential question, goals and objectives.  Included also was a graphic organizer, and a schedule containing four complete lesson plans.  Included within the unit was an author/illustrator study,a Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DRTA), and an internet lesson plan.  The internet lesson plan guided students via a worksheet, to a web site.  The worksheet contained questions which were only able to be answered by visiting the particular web page (12.1).  Also, by the students being able the use the internet to locate information, they were fulfilling Grade Level:  3 Competency Goal 1.5 of the Computer Skills Curriculum (10.4).   Besides complete lesson plans, were a plethora of miscellaneous activities to go with basic lesson plans.  As a group, we researched various resources such as the North Carolina Department of Education (NCDPI) web site, Internet, teacher guides, and textbooks (12.7)
     One of the references within the unit plan was a map of how the classroom was to be arranged (12.4).  There also were examples of bulletin boards (one in which children would actively participate in the rotating of community/classroom responsibilities) (12.5).