Lori Ann Smale, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

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Artifact # 15

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact #1:
 Literature Circle Unit: a group activity that utilizes discussion of a common book.  Groups are based on reading levels, with each level reading a different novel on the same subject.  Each student in each group is given a job for each section of the book that will facilitate a discussion about that section.  This unit is also linked to a social studies lesson that corresponds to the subject addressed in the Literature Circle Unit Plan.

The Literature Circle Unit was created using Netscape Composer.  This Unit Plan was a major project for my Reading and Language Arts Methods class during my Block experience at ASU.  This Literature Circle divided the students into three groups based on reading level.  There were three books for the below grade level readers and one each for the on grade and above grade level readers.  Three group members collaborated to create this unit, working together on the launch and ending activities.  I created the lesson plans for the on grade readers (5th grade).  The social studies lesson that I created to explore the period of the Great Depression is also linked to the Literature Circle Unit. 

The Literature Circle Unit is an effective way for classroom teachers to encourage Reading and Language Arts skills while at the same time developing knowledge of social studies materials.  This Unit explores the era of the Great Depression, focusing on life in the Dust Bowl.  Because the novel choice is based on reading level, every student has an equal opportunity to expand his or her experiences with reading, analyzing and exploring literature in a meaningful way.  This Unit may be adapted to any grade level with any subject.  Teachers may utilize this Unit as a model for other reading groups.  The jobs that students are assigned in each group give them responsibility and ownership for their learning.

The Literature Circle Unit was developed with the understanding that each classroom contains a diverse group of learners (INTASC Principle #3).  Before beginning a Literature Circle, the teacher must gather background knowledge of the subject matter for a base of knowledge from which to teach.  The method of exploring a novel used in this unit encourages the student to read and re-read the material to gather the information needed to perform their job (see Lit. Circle for a description of jobs).  They must analyze and understand the material they have read in order to properly and fully carry out their job (Tech. Competency 12.1).  For each section, the student will be assigned a new job.  For each job assigned, they are responsible for presenting the material they have read in a different light.  This strategy utilizes a variety of learning techniques and gives the students opportunities to gather and present different types of information for each section (INTASC Principle #1).  The role of investigator would include using the Internet as a resource.  Students would be reminded to properly cite all information gathered that is not their own (Tech. Comp. 14.3).  The students must work together within their groups to execute a worthwhile discussion on their novel (Tech. Competency 12.5).  From what I have observed in the classroom, children are eager to learn from and teach their classmates.  The Literature Circle Unit fosters this learning style by allowing the students to take ownership of their learning by relaying the information they have gathered to the other students (INTASC Principle #5). This method of peer teaching makes the subject matter more meaningful in that the students take pride in truly grasping the ideas presented in the book and effectively relaying the information learned to their Lit. Circle groups (INTASC #4). The Literature Circles are accessible via the World Wide Web, giving teachers a valuable resource to use for the topics already posted or to use them as a model for topics not yet discussed.  Having the Unit presented on the web gives teachers, parents and students an actual Literature Circle that has been completed.  This offers an easier way to comprehend exactly how the Unit should be carried out as opposed to simply handing out written directions (Tech. Comp. 11.2).