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Artifact # 5 |
A. Title
Software Evaluation This artifact gives a detailed description about the software program, Kid Pix Studio. This evaluation includes information about the publisher, authors of the software, a description of the product and its functions and how this program could be used in the classroom. This software evaluation also includes reviews from other reviews. B. Context
C. Impact
D. Alignment
I also had to consider whether or not these resources were accurate and suitable for use with this evaluation. (Technology Standard II C) In my evaluation I reflected on the use of the program with in the school. I wrote about how it could be useful and what subjects it could easily be used with. (Technology Standard V B) This evaluation proves that I will continually evaluate the effects
of my choices for the students. I can and will evaluate any piece
of software before allowing my students to use it. After I have evaluated
the software, I will consult with other colleagues or reviewers for their
opinions. Once the program has been deemed useful, I will introduce
it in my classroom and learn from the ways students react to it.
I might find the program useful and helpful, but the students might have
a different take on it. (INTASC