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Artifact#1 #1 Word Study Artifact #2 Practicum Artifact #3 Vocabulary Unit Artifact #4 4 Author Study Artifact #5 Modeling Artifact #6 Multi Genre Artifact # 7 Comprehension |
Artifact: This is part of a Multi Genre project for the Master's class Teaching the Language Arts. Also included are parts of a project that included a multiple of different types of responses and activities done on a particular novel for the Masters Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners. Context: These artifacts are from two different classes but represent the aspect and the importance of allowing students the opportunity to be able to respond to literature read independently or together in shared reading. These represent two different levels of allowing students the opportunity to experience different modalities. All children don't learn the same way and should be allowed to express their knowledge in a variety of ways. This is a belief that I incorporate in my daily instruction. One of the pieces is a written piece done by my 3rd grade students based upon several non fiction, expository pieces of literature that was read to them. This shows the different responses can be done with all types of literature, and different levels. Students are allowed to choose the media that they are comfortable with to share their comprehension of literature. This also is a very positive aspect which draws the students in makes then want to learn more exposing them to different interest, cultures, backgrounds and models with enthusiasm in their learning which encourages them to want to continue to learn, to be life long learners. Alignment: Standard A Instructional Expertise: This indicates the application of theory and research utilized in everyday instruction. This shows the understanding the importance of the variety of literature and the diverse needs of the students and integrating literacy across the curriculum, to ensure improved learning and a feeling of pride in the students. Standard B Knowledge of Learners: This shows the understanding and implementation of the various learning abilities and styles into account when planning instruction. This shows the fostering of learning and the conducive nature of the classroom to make all students successful. Reading and writing is integrated through out each activity to motivate students to be life long learners. Standard C Research This shows the use of student performance to improve student learning and using action research to ensure the progress and effectiveness of instruction based on the latest research. This meets the individual learning styles of each students. Standard D Content Knowledge This shows the knowledge of recent research and trends in education and the application of these to ensure the most beneficial instruction. Standard Professional Development and Leadership This multi genre shows what could result in a collaboration with students and other professionals to allow students to portray knowledge in alternative formats. |