Copyright 2005 Isobel Washam, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1                      Word Study

Artifact # 2                          Practicum

Artifact # 3                        Vocabulary Unit

Artifact # 4                                        Author Study

Artifact # 5                           Modeling

Artifac6                                              Multi Genre

Artifact #  7                 Comprehension




Artifact: Word Study and Chall's Stages of Spelling The second is an excerpt from a research paper supporting the use of word sorts to teach children at their developmental level instead of supposed grade level. The other is a Word Study unit using this research to develop a word study unit for my classroom. This demonstrates and explains the different stages of development spelling and the importance of an individualized plan.

Context:    The second, Chall's Stages of Spelling is an excerpt  from one of the final essays questions  that was required in the Master class Beginning Reading and Writing. This questions demonstrates the developmental stages of spelling that provides insight into the child's level and will help to individualize instruction as with the use of word sorts. I then did an action research project, in the course Word Study, with word sorts to show the impact of using words sorts with students. The Spelling assessment was given. This indicates the child's developmental stage following the continuum of development according the Chall's Stage. Knowing the child's level on the developmental continuum allows the teacher to set up a sort program to meet the child's needs and progress through the stages.  I implemented a word study plan based upon the research. My student's took a spelling pretest and post test. The chart shows the improvement my students made using sorts at there appropriate levels to meet their developmental needs. The word sort chart shows success using word sort to individualize instruction through out the course of several months when the word sorts was implemented. The student's continued afterward using the sorts and is now a part of my instruction for all students.


Standard A:  Instructional Expertise This shows my knowledge of language development and reading acquisition as related to children's spelling. This shows the implementation and well developed theoretical practice based upon research. This shows the use of best practices provided through research and the implementation of the research into classroom practices. This demonstrates knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness  phonics) and how they are integrated in reading

Standard B : Knowledge of Learners Shows understanding of differences and exceptionalities. This shows a classroom conducive to learning in which all students feel successful. The students are working on their individual level instead of expected grade level.

Standard C: Research  Research is being critically studied and implemented in classroom instruction. The word sort chart along with pre and post test indicates the use of students performance data to improve  their learning at their level. Research supports developmental stages of spelling and teaching children at their appropriate level and the use of word sorts.

Standard D: Content Knowledge The use of inventive spelling to implement an individual word sort program indicates the use of research to incorporated instruction with students in the classroom.

Standard E Professional Development and Leadership This is evidence of professional inquiry, development, and reflection through the study to determine appropriate instruction and progress of the students.