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Artifact #1 Word Study Artifact # 2 Practicum Artifact #3 Vocabulary Unit Artifact # 4 Author Study Artifact # 5 Modeling Artifact # 6 Multi Genre Artifact # 7 Comprehension
Practicum This is
the cover sheet of a student from the
Practicum in the Reading Master's program summer clinic. This is the cover page
which indicates the child's level in reading and the
spelling assessment.
Using these assessments lesson plans for the rising 4th grader was then set up
for the child. Also included is two pieces of
that supports the developmental stages
of reading.
Context: Before administering the IRI, I did an interest inventory with the child to determine his interest. The interest inventory helped him to come up with writing topics and for me to choose his reading material. The cover sheet includes the results of spelling assessment, word recognition, and IRI given to this student. The IRI includes accuracy, rate, and comprehension. The reading inventory tells the child's instructional level to be able to individualize a reading program. The word identification, which included untimed and timed reading of words, was also administered. This indicates the child's level of automaticity in regards to word recognition. The word recognition and the spelling inventory are used as the indicators to implement a word sort regime to concentrate on needed sounds and patterns. We then were to develop a tutoring program to fit the child. We developed lesson plans based on the given inventories concentrating on the child's needs. We had a daily lessons which involved guided reading, word sort and writing. This was a closely supervised tutoring program involving students from schools in the area that were having reading difficulties. The student's attended 4 days a week. We kept a learning log on the children we were working with. Our supervisors monitored and provided valuable feed back. The plans were adjusted to meet the child's needs through out the 4 week program. The summer reading clinic provided the application of practices, theories, and strategies learned through the Masters Reading program. Parents were also an active participate of the program. This was a voluntary program, therefore the parents had to provide their own transportation. We talked daily to the parents. The summer reading clinic ended with a letter to the parents that could also be given to next years teacher. This was a wonderful fulfilling experience. I now implement this type of tutoring, guided reading, environment with my students through out my instructional day. I continue to read research to ensure that I stay up to date and use the best methods that are known at the present for the instruction of my students. Alignment: Standard A Instructional Expertise This indicates implementation of plans based upon child's instructional level, evaluation of practices based on research. Lesson plans are modified based on assessment of student's needs and strengths. Standard B Knowledge of Learners This shows the understanding of the difference of learners and the importance individualized instruction and developing lesson plans based on the child's needs. This shows the incorporation of knowledge and learning process in the various learning abilities of the students. This shows the diversity in the planning, delivery and evaluation of instruction. Standard C Research This shows that research was understood in the application of meeting the child's instructional needs. This shows that the most recent research is read and applied to improve the child's learning. Standard D Content Knowledge This shows the in depth current knowledge and practices of content and instruction. Analysis of relationships between theory and philosophy is utilized and incorporated into instructional practices. Standard E Professional Development This indicates seeking input from fellow educators and the participation of formal and informal collaboration to address educational needs. |