Copyright 2005 Your Name, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1 Word Study

Artifact # 2 Practicum

Artifact # 3 Vocabulary Unit

Artifact # 4 Author Study

Artifact # 5 Modeling

Artifact # 6 Multi Genre

Artifact # 7 Comprehension




Artifact: Comprehension This was part of a comprehension research unit done for the Master's class Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers. Also included is part of a transrcipt analysis done for the course Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advanced Learners, which also deals with the aspect of comprehension.

Context: The first artifact is a piece of research on comprehension  and implementation, found through the research, in the classroom Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers. The area of comprehension interest me the most. I continually read the latest research to enable me to meet to needs of my students.                                                                                

      The transcript analysis was done as part of a project for class Reading and Writing Instruction for Intermediate and Advance Learners.  It was enlightening to see how the students were responding when I recorded the students and myself in a dialogue. I now incorporate recording our dialogues about books that have been read aloud or that they have read independently, on a regular basis to be sure that I am probing and scaffolding the students instead of just engaging in ping pong responses, which according to research isn't the most beneficial.

     My students enjoy having the diversification of using books on the computer and being able to respond using the computer.  Research is inconclusive at this point about the use of computers and reading. There is a place for the use of computers and comprehension, as an extension activity is one possible use. My students are exposed to the use of computers and incorporate the use of multi media. This also motivates students knowing they get to use the computers.


Standard A Instructional Expertise This shows that a continuation of techniques and research is being utilized in the class room to meet the individual and diverse needs of students.

Standard B Knowledge of Learners This indicates that the teacher incorporates the knowledge of the way a students learns and uses the best strategies to plan and deliver these to individualize instruction.

Standard C Research  This  portrays an incorporation of the use of research to examine and improve instructional effectiveness to provide the most appropriate instruction to a diverse population of students. This shows the use of student performance data to improve student learning and processing.

Standard D Content Knowledge  The continually monitoring of ones own practice, the teacher indicates  in depth knowledge of the academics and updated research. .

Standard E Professional Development and Leadership  This indicates professional inquiry through reading and reflection of instruction and practice to ensure to meet the individual needs.