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T.O.C by Artifact
T.O.C. by Tech Competency
T.O.C. by INTASC Principles
Artifact #1
Artifact # 2
Artifact # 3
Artifact # 4
Artifact # 5
Artifact # 6
Artifact # 7
Artifact # 8
Artifact # 9
Artifact # 10
Artifact # 11
Artifact # 12
NC ETSI Advanced Competencies
INTASC Principles
References |
Artifact 1: Picture
Making a story with pictures is an online web page that will help students
to learn the basics of creating a story with sequencing and using technology.
This web page was created in the Integrating Media and Technology into
Teaching course at Appalachian State during my pre-service training in
the fall of 2000.
The lesson plan is designed for second graders. The students
will use skills such as sequencing in a story and media literacy to create
a story using the pictures on the web. This lesson plan corresponds with
the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in both English Language Arts
and Computer Technology Skills; the competency goals that are meet are
listed within the lesson plan. As a web page, this lesson plan will be
available for other teachers.
The web page will allow teachers to integrate both media and language
arts together, giving the students the opportunity to communicate information
using technology (Technology Competency 10.4).
The links to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study will be a great
way for teachers of all grades, not just second grade teachers, to check
out if the story-making page will fit their grade level’s competency goals
(Technology Competency 10.1). After the
students have finished their web page, teachers can have students to write
down the steps of saving a document as a way of assessing the students
(Technology Competency 10.5). The lesson
plan gives teachers a way to allow students to organize information and
present it to their peers, which are central goals of the Language Arts
curriculum (Technology Competency 11.4).
In the lesson, students will be learning about sequencing which will be
made easier by using the computer since they can change the pictures around
until they are satisfied with the story (Technology
Competency 11.2). Also, by using the web page and allowing students
to think about the way that the story could be set, the teacher is showing
that s/he knows how to use the different types of instructional strategies,
such as descusion, hands on, and group work, to allow the students to develop
critical thinking skills (INTASC
Standard 4).