Artifact 1:
Sequencing Lesson Plan: An online activity designed for third graders,
in which students practice computer skills as well as story sequencing
This activity was created as a part of my Integrating Media and Technology
into Teaching class; it includes a combined computer and language arts
activity for a third grade class, and links to the Standard Course of Study
alignment. The students are asked to copy pictures from an Internet
site to a word processing document. Then they are to sequence the
pictures and make a caption under each picture to tell a creative story.
This activity aligns with the NC Standard Course of Study for both
Language Arts and Technology; the competencies are listed in this activity.
As a web page, this activity would be available for other teachers to use.
Later in my teaching career, this web activity would be available to link
to an elementary class web page.
During this activity I will assess my student's ability to copy and
paste effectively, which is an important aspect of the NC Computer Skills
Assessment, by continually asking them to explain to me the steps they
are using to perform these skills (Tech Comp
10.5). This activity integrates computer technology with objectives
from the literature curriculum (Tech Comp
10.4). This web page also includes links to the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study for literature and technology (Tech
Comp 10.1).
This activity also shows my understanding of how to use a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical
thinking, problem solving, and performance skills (INTASC