Casey Leigh York, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact 1
Permission slip to videotape/photograph/audiotape students
This was created at the beginning of my internship in first grade at Bethel Elementary School to get permission to videotape, photograph or audiotape the students for projects in my classes.

This letter was created at Bethel Elementary School using Microsoft Word 97. The letter was written to serve two purposes. The other intern in my class and I wanted to introduce ourselves to the parents and also get permission to videotape, photograph and/or audiotape some of the students. It was written on September 15th and sent home with the students that day. We asked parents to return them in a week so that we could begin work videotaping for a project in our Media and Technology class.

This letter will impact much of the work I do in my class during my internship because it determines which students will be involved in the videotaping etc. I will also use this letter in the future when I have to send a similar letters home to the parents of my students. I will use this letter as a template for other letters that will be sent home as well. 

This artifact discusses issues surrounding the use of technology (Tech. Competency 14.3). This letter discusses the use of technology by myself as a student and with the students in my class. It includes informing the parents as to what may be used, such as videotape, photographs and audiotape.  This artifact also is a form of communication between the parents and the teacher, (Tech Competency 12.3). By informing the parents of why I was in the class with their child and what I would be doing while there I was able to communicate with the parents. Because this artifact asks for permission from parents to do something it will later involve planning around which students are allowed to be videotaped, photographed or audiotaped. (INTASC #7) By sending this letter home I am communicating with parents and fostering relationships between the parents and the teacher. This supports the learning and well-being of the student. (INTASC #10)