Artifact 10
Map of Classroom Layout
This is something I created as part of a classroom management project
as a student at A.S.U. to later be used in the classroom.
I will use this lesson when I am put into a classroom and I have to
arrange the furniture in a way that I feel is the most conducive to learning.
Of course, I will have to modify this modify this model depending on the
furniture, number of computers and other resources available to me. By
having this model I will be able to have something to go by as I determine
what is best for my students.
In creating this model of how I would set up my classroom. I had to
think about where to put different things I know will be available to me,
and why I would place them in a specific area. In doing this I put a lot
of thought into what arrangement would facilitate active and collaborative
work in my classroom. (Tech. Comp. 12.4)