Artifact 7
PictureStory on Block WebPages
This lesson was created in my Media and Technology class at A.S.U.We used
pictures taken with a digital camera and arranged them on a webpage. The
instructions are to put the pictures in any order and use creativewriting
to write a story explaining the story with the sequence of picturesyou have
chosen. We created links from the lesson plan to the North CarolinaStandard
Course of Study to show what goals and objectives it fulfills.
I will use this lesson in my classroom to help students develop thecomputer
skills necessary for the NCSCS. It fulfills goal number 2 of theTechnology
competencies for fourth grade. This lesson will not only fulfillthe technology
competencies but also some of the English/Language Artscompetencies for writing.
In doing this lesson I was required to link the NCSCS related goalto the
lesson. By doing this I was able to identify the computer skillsthat students
should know and be able to (Tech. Competency10.1
). By using the creative writing as an English/Language Artscomponent the
lesson is relating computer skills to other curricular areas(
TechCompetency 10.4). This lessonwill provide learning experiences
that are meaningful to students and specificto a subject matter (INTASC