Kristy Familar, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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Artifact # 15

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

INTASC Principles


The inquiry project was a presentation of information on Title I and its effect on schools.  This was a group project and involved talking with principals, gathering information, and looking up Title I sites on the Internet.

This project was done during the Fall 2001 block experience at ASU.  The group consisted of five people and was based on information about Title I.  Members of the group looked up the positives and negatives of Title I and what a reading and math lesson would be like in a Title I school verses a school without Title I.  We used the Internet and principals from two community schools as our sources.

After doing the research, this became an eye-opening project.  I never realized the importance of the money that Title I gives to the school.  As a teacher, this was important information because I realize now the impact it has on students.  I am also now more aware of what resources are available at a Title I school.  The statistics are overwhelming with how many children are provided with the services.

This project used technology as a resource to help us all become more aware of the money available to help students with diverse backgrounds.  Because the service is based on the percentage of students are on free and reduced lunch, the students who come from diverse backgrounds will not be looked over.  By using the Internet to find more on this topic, I now have the knowledge to help a variety of students take ownership of learning (Comp Tech 6B).  When Title I provides money for a reading teacher that allows for one-on-one interactions, that is great.  But when that teacher works with a student everyday and that student now has the courage and confidence to read a book, without mistakes and with understanding, to someone else, that is awesome!