Artifact # 2 |
Artifact Two
This Newsletter will help me to communicate with the parents of my students. The newsletter will also inform parents of the events his/her child will be participating in throughout the school year. Other information contained within the letter helps them remain aware of the learning experiences of the teachers and the students. Rationale for Artifact Two: Desktop Publishing Newsletter To Parents Competency 12.3: “Use computers and other technologies effectively and appropriately to communicate information in a variety of formats on student learning to colleagues, parents, and others.” CONTEXT I created this artifact during the Summer of 2001 in Classroom Use of the Microcomputer in grades K-12. To complete this artifact, I used Microsoft Publisher to create a two page newsletter. Inside the newsletter I placed information about my classroom, for example, the rules of the class and materials to bring on the first day. I included information about myself as a new teacher and I used a digital camera to insert a picture of myself. I also included special events and ways in which parents can volunteer. Then I went online to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction at www.ncdpi.org and looked at various subjects in the third grade curriculum. I used the competencies and incorporated them into the curriculum and instruction portion of my newsletter. I also use computer graphics to make the newsletter look more appealing. The newsletter allows me to communicate with my future students and their parents about my classroom and what to expect within the school year. IMPACT As a licensed future educator of grades K-6, this newsletter will be a good resource to use in order to communicate with both students in my classroom and their parents. Parents can utilize this newsletter to volunteer to help with classroom activities, donate supplies, and aid in their student's homework. ALIGNMENT The desktop publishing newsletter to parents aligns with Technology Competency 12.3 . As a future NC public educator it will be my job to communicate with both students and their parents. I can use this newsletter to do this. The newsletter also aligns with INTASC principle 10 , in which I will be able to successfully communicate and form bonds with parents, school colleagues, and agencies within the community. I feel that a newsletter will be of benefit in my classroom, as well as in any classroom for communication purposes.