Cammie Mitchell , Reich College of Education , Appalachian State University 

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

  Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

Artifact # 13

Artifact # 14

Artifact # 15

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact Eight

The Database of Software Evaluation provides an overall evaluation of instructional materials and resources which may be purchased by a school.  This also gives a brief overview of how the software can be used to teach children. 

Rationale for Artifact Eight: Database of Software Evaluation 

Competency 10.6:  “Locate, evaluate, and select appropriate teaching/learning resources and curriculum materials for the content area and target audience, including computer based products, videotapes and discs, local experts, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature, and other print sources.” 

Competency 12.1:  “Develop performance tasks that require students to (a) locate and analyze information as well as draw conclusions and (b) use a variety of media to communicate results clearly.” 

Competency 13.1:  “Use media and technology to address differences in children's learning and performance.”


      I created this artifact during the Summer of 2001 in Classroom Use of the Microcomputer in grades K-12.  During a class period, we looked a two pieces of software, one of which was Paintbrush and another was called “Where In the USA is Carmen San Diego?”  As a class, we evaluated both pieces of computer software and recorded the information on a paper database.  Some examples on the paper database included:  title, publisher, age level, description, objective, strengths, weaknesses, rating score and whether or not we would recommend this software to others.  Next, we rotated around the classroom and looked at various other pieces of software.  We recorded the information from the other pieces of software onto the paper database.  After reviewing six pieces of software it was my responsibility to enter my information into a computer database.  I completed this task using Microsoft Works.  As soon as the information was entered, I sorted the database to alphabetize by title.  Next, I did a filter for the publisher.  This information was filtered from the list on the database.  Then I completed a spell check on all the information and printed out the database. 


    As a future licensed public educator I will be taking my students to a computer lab to use a variety of software.  As a teacher, I want to be able to choose software that is effective and age appropriate. 


    The database of software meets Technology Competency 10.6 .  I looked at various CD’s that were appropriate for all age groups.  Some CD’s were appropriate for the age level I will be teaching. 

    By making a computer database I met Technology Competency 12.1 .  I used an electronic encyclopedia, Encarta Africana as a resource.  I will be using this database as a future resource when I teach. 

    The database also meets Technology Competency 13.1 .  CD’s are an effective way to teach children with different learning styles.  Computer software addresses an array of children's learning styles since it is very interactive and hands on. 

     This artifact meets INTASC principle 3 because it gives teachers the opportunity to use a different approach to teaching students.  As a future licensed educator of grades K-6, I understand that children  have many different approaches to learning, therefore by completing the database software evaluation, I found various types of software which could used within my classroom to help diverse learners.  This evaluation will permit me to integrate technology into my classroom, while getting students involved in numerous programs.