Jackie Thomas, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Rationale for the Artifact: Lesson Plans Integrating Technology

Competency 10.4: Goals of the NC Computer Skills Curriculum.

Competency: 11.1: Use technology in the discipline/subject for learning and as a medium for communications.

Competency 12.7: Select and create learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals, relevant to learners, based upon principles of effective teaching and learning, incorporate the use of media and technology for teaching where appropriate, and support learner expression in a variety of media using a variety of media using a variety of media communication tools.


I worked with a partner to make a set of integrated lesson plans for the fourth grade curriculum. First, we came up with pre-activities for each lesson for each new day. Next, we looked at the Educational CD, "How the Leopard Got Its Spots." We played it once through and came up with fun ways to include it in our daily lessons. Lastly, we came up with post activities that helped wind down each lesson. Looking on the Internet for information helped a lot. We were able to find coordinating games and helpful activity ideas.


As a teacher, I will use these lesson plans to integrate computers with lesson plans using different types of software. This will be a useful tool for learning, especially for my kids that will need a hands on learning environment. In addition to that, students will find it enjoyable and effective when writing their own poetry. With Kipling's colorful and descriptive poetry, the kid's are sure to gather idea's to form their own poetry.


Lesson Plans Integrating Technology aligns with Technology Competency 10.4. I will be able to develop lesson plans to correlate computer skills with other curricular objectives. 

Lesson Plans Integrating Technology aligns with Technology Competency 11.1, which I  will also design and deliver lesson plans using technology resources on a selected discipline/subject. 

Lastly, Lesson Plans Integrating Technology aligns with Technology Competency 12.7.  I will be able to prepare and use integrated instructional units for the teaching of computer skills within specific subject areas.

Lesson Plans Integrating Technology also aligns with INTASC principe 6. While doing this project, I used effective non verbal and verbal media communication. The lessons start with a review of poetry and slowly move into actual poetry. This is a five day lesson so the technology part would come later after proper instruction and review. They are able to play the game, How the Leopard Got Its Spots, by Rudyard Kipling, with a partner or by themselves. Having them on the computer provides collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom. It models effective communication by using many different teaching strategies such as visual, auditory and technology or hands on. This also uses a variety of media communication tools to enrich learning opportunities that are so important when devising a lesson over a period of time. As a teacher you want to make sure your students are getting the most out of it that they can.