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Newsletter to Parents Context: This newsletter was developed to inform parents about the upcoming school year that their child would be involved in. It gives a brief description of the events to take place in my classroom this year. It is intended to communicate to parents about what their child will be learning and participating in during the year. By using the program, Microsoft Publisher, a format is provided to create a newsletter and simply entering the information in the format provided, a professional newsletter can be created. I also used a digital camera to include a picture of myself in the newsletter. This newsletter was guided towards the parents of my students in order to inform them about the classroom that their child is in. It is focused on the issues that will be presented in the course of the year. Lists of curriculum objectives are mentioned to inform teachers of the goals that should be met by the end of the year. Impact: As a teacher, I will need to communicate with the parents of my students and this newsletter will be one way I can inform parents about my classroom. Being knowledgeable about computer programs can make it easier when making newsletters and other papers to send home to parents. This newsletter provides a clear explanation of what parents should expect about their child’s class, such as classroom rules, upcoming class events, necessary school supplies, and class objectives. Alignment: