Jennifer M. Boggs, RCOE, Appalachian State University |
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This lesson corresponds to the NC Standard Course of Study for both Language Arts and Information Skills; these are listed in the lesson. As a web page, this lesson plan will be available to other teachers. The reflection on the process of teaching the lesson will be useful for any teacher considering this resource. The web page includes a detailed lesson plan with visuals that help
to teach students how to analyze and create an aspect of media literacy
(12.1). Targets and links within the
page help people navigate easily through the lesson plan. The visuals
give teachers an idea of the kinds of materials they might use; outside
links help teachers find related resources (10.3,
The lesson plan includes instructions on how to break up the class into
groups and suggestions on how the students should complete the project
(12.5). This lesson plan and web page
were put on the web so that other teachers and perspective teachers will
have access to it to either use all or part of it in their own classrooms
and to fit their own purposes (11.4).
As they look at my reflection and examples of student work, they will see
how students in the past have managed the activities involved in this lesson