ETSI Advanced Competency Collection

Jennifer M. Boggs , RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


  • Computer Skills Curriculum 

  • The Computer Skills curriculum gives all of the goals that students at a particular grade level should complete.  It is extremely helpful for planning lessons with technology.  During my Internship at Mabel Elementary School I was able to use the curriculum in my third grade classroom.  The children were doing very little with technology and I felt that if I could get some ideas from the curriculum it would be very helpful to the class. 

    The students in my class were to complete a spreadsheet and graph to represent one of their third grade benchmarks. I worked with the students on a program called Cruncher part of my software evaluation.    Through this project we specifically addressed Competency Goal 3 in the Computer Skills Curriculum. The students used technology to access, analyze, and interpret information they collected by using a prepared spreadsheet to enter and graph data they had collected. 

     The Computer Skills Curriculum is extremely helpful to teachers.  It is important that educators are aware of what their students should be learning about technology. By having a copy of this curriculum for my specific grade level, I will be able to educate my students more efficiently on computer and technology skills.  I am fulfilling competency 10.1 and 10.4 by using the Computer Skills Curriculum.