ETSI Advanced Competency Collection

Jennifer M. Boggs, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Artifact # 10

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


 This unit plan was developed as a part of my Language Arts and Literacy course.  It includes a unit plan designed to be used with literature circles.  The books are all based on the historical fiction genre and because they are all by the same author, would work well as an author’s study.  The unit includes lessons for books that are below, above, and on grade level.  The students are expected to read sections of the book and then complete their assigned jobs.  The jobs include Discussion Director, Passage Picker, Word Wizard, Character Sketcher, and Investigator.  Students in a language arts class would be asked to then discuss what they did with their groups. 

The literature circles unit is an excellent way to teach literature to students on various grade levels.  The unit allows students to work at a pace which is comfortable for them and to share what they learn with other students.  The unit corresponds to the NC Standard Course of Study for Language Arts in the fourth grade.  Students are allowed to explore a wide range of texts, expand their vocabulary through wide reading, communicate effectively through spoken and written formats, use media and technology resources for research, and apply comprehension strategies critically, creatively, and strategically.  Students will work with numerous skills in the Literature Circles Unit. 

This Literature Circles Unit includes a detailed plan with examples to help teachers begin modeling the unit for their students.   Teachers are able to select and create learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals through the various jobs the students are assigned in literature circles.  The unit relevant to learners on various levels, based upon principles of effective teaching and learning, and incorporates the use of media and technology used in the research done as Investigator (12.7).