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Artifact # 9
Artifact # 10
Artifact # 11
NC ETSI Advanced Competencies
References |
This web page was produced as part of my Media
and Learning class at Appalachian State University. The web page
was utilized to produce a lesson dealing with media and its effects on
body image. The web page could be used to conduct a lesson in a fourth
grade classroom to provide students with knowledge about how media affects
one's concept of body image.
This lesson plan corresponds with the NC Standard
Course of Study for language arts and information skills. The lesson
plan meets the following objectives.
This web page will be available for other teachers to use in the classroom.
Included on the page is a reflection on the process of teaching the lesson,
which will help teachers see the effectiveness of the lesson.
This lesson plan meets competency (10.3)
as a resource for planning instruction. The page contains a number
of resources useful for doing a lesson on body image. The web page
is a source of technology for learning and as a medium for communciations
This is a multimedia project that can communicate information to others
via the Internet (11.2). I would use
magazines, the internet, and movie clips to present the information to
the students in various ways. This lesson plan required the use of
a computer to gather information and images to present in a classroom
(11.4). I would use this web page to help students locate and
analyze information from the media and create their own advertisement (12.1).
Students would analyze the resources we present to them during the lesson.
This lesson plan requires active student involvement by analyzing the influence
of media by getting into groups to view images (12.5). |