ETSI Advanced Competency Collection
Anne Wilson, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


  • Software Evaluation



    During my internship I was required to evaluate a piece of software with my portrait student, with whom I worked closely throughout the semester.  I critiqued (title--not completed yet) and then used it with my portrait students to determine the possible benefit it may provide for individual students or the classroom as a whole.

    This software meets objectives from the NC Standard Course of Study.  It will assist me in teaching the student concepts regarding writing.I will also be able to use this software to assist fellow teachers who may be searching for a fun and interesting way to help students improve their writing skills.

    This evaluation allowed me to locate, evaluate, and select a teaching/learning resource that is appropriate for the curriculum and target audience (10.6).  The software specializes in teaching writing skills with the use of a computers (11.3). The different features of this software allow me to use a program that meets the needs of the diverse learning levels in my classroom (13.1 ).  This software would benefit students with special needs with certain features, such as sound (13.2 ).