I joined the Works4me listserv, Fall of 2000, in order
to expand on the knowledge base I have obtained from my classes here
at Appalachian State University. I also hoped get real life advice
from experienced classroom teach
ers. I am a firm believer in being
a life long learner and feel this is a great way to gain helpful hints
and knowledge to make me a successful teacher.
This will help me as a teacher because I will be receiving
helpful hints and enabling communication with my colleagues. There
are tips on classroom management as well as ways to better communicate
with parents and community. Teachers are life long learners and should
e open to any new ideas they can obtain that will help them, help students.
This listserv demonstrates how I have used technology
to help me learn and develop professionally (VA).
It also enables me to evaluate my past teaching practices while finding
more interactive and enjoyable projects for the future (INTASC
#9). I plan to stay a member of thi
s listserv and use these hints
in the future to better my classroom and myself as a teacher.