Kristin Metz, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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Modifications for Special Needs Students:  modifications for incorporating the learning abilities of special needs students in a literature circles unit, including a list of websites that provide assistance for bilingual students


These modifications were formulated for use in my literature circles unit for my Language and Literature in Elementary Schools course.  The website resources were consulted in my Elementary School Curriculum and Instruction class during my pre-service training at Appalachian State University.


These modifications provide assistance for teachers of special needs students, as well as for the students and parents.  Bilingual and translator sites prove to be helpful tools for the adaptation and modification of lesson plans.


The modifications addressed in the literature circles unit are necessary to ensure fairness and preserve the potential of special needs students.  Adaptive technologies can be accessed through the accompanying websites (Tech Comp 13.2).  These sites mentioned support the needs of special needs and ESL students by providing differing learning level materials and translations of materials into many languages.  The teacher may enter in material, and with the click of a mouse, a translation in the specified language will appear.  These sites may also be utilized to search for bilingual software or media for ESL students.  This adaptation will allow the teacher to plan for the ESL student's needs (Tech Comp 13.3), while incorporating the entire class in the learning experience.