Kate Renee Quigley, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact: Literature Circles Unit- this unit is for fifth grade and is based around an historical event in the United States. It uses literature to draw students into the lives and ways of another time period in history

Context: This unit was designed in my Literature class during my block at Appalachian State University. (Fall 2000)

Impact: This unit is based around the westward movement. The unit integrates language arts, social studies, and computer skills for the fifth grade curriculum. Students will use their computer skills to search for information to use in their group discussions.  Social Studies will be an important part in the unit and for the students. Learning how to describe and evaluate the changes that have taken place in the lifestyle, people, and ways of pioneer life to the lives that the students live in the present.  . Having students write multiple choice questions modeled after the ones seen on the EOGs may help increase the scores of the students and better prepare them for the tests.

Alignment:  Understanding the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for all the disciplines is an important part of teaching. This literature unit is a way to show that I understand the subject matter for language arts and social studies for fifth grade. ( INTASC 1) The students are able to share opinions and facts about the historical books and subject matter to their peers, parents and to the teacher. This unit was created for the students to have a wide range of learning experiences throughout the entire element. Since the unit addresses the needs of different reading levels in the classroom, I have dealt with how to address just one type of diverse learner in my classroom. (INTASC 3) Not all students in my class will be on the same reading level and be able to comprehend on grade reading. The unit is designed to make all children feel part of the lit circles on their own level. All the children are allowed to read all the books that are being read for the unit on their own time or during DEAR. All the children are able to learn about the historical component and not reach a level of frustration when reading, different reading groups are designed with books to fit that reading level.  Historical Fiction is a favorite of mine to teach and knowing the subject matter makes my instructional choices even more profound. Literature circles are a way to include my knowledge of history, the curriculum goals for fifth grade, different reading levels for my students, and communication with the community. (INTASC 7)  The students will be watching clips from the television series “Little House on the Prairie”, taped off cable, to facilitate the students’ learning about the way of life in the 1800’s. (Tech Comp.12.6). The launch of this unit will be to use school television resources to show video clips from “Little House on the Prairie” (Tech Comp.10.2) Children can connect to things that they see on television and being able to view an actual Ingalls family will be beneficial to the students.(Clip) In order for this unit to work, I had to do some research on the historical event being discussed in class that day. Many internet sites are available on the authors of the books being used in class and on the subject matter. Teachers will be able to visit some of these sites that are included on the unit on the web. A resource page will be displayed so that teachers can pull out additional information they may want to use. (Tech Comp.10.3) Students will also have to be able to use computers to research different topics for a section they are reading. The job role of investigator gets the children involved with searching different sites to find additional sources and information for their group. The children will be given a list of sources that they are allowed to search through to get additional information for their group. (Tech Comp.12.5)
Since there were many resources used in putting this unit together, I have included a resource page with proper citations so that credit is given where credit is due. (Tech Comp 14.3)