Kate Renee Quigley, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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INTASC Principles


     Social Studies Lesson Plan: a fifth grade lesson that involves the Westward movement

      This lesson plan was constructed in my Social Studies methods course during my block at Appalachian State University.

      This lesson involves students learning how to distinguish differences in two different time periods. They will use literature to help brainstorm ideas and then use graphic organizers to present their information. This lesson will be able to show students how change is not always a bad thing. Students will be learning and using word processing skills to provide a final draft of their information.

        This social studies lesson is designed for the students to use different mediums to present the subject matter at hand. The students must use word processing skills to present their final copies of the graphic organizers. I will be responsible for teaching my children the techniques used in word processing and search techniques on the Internet. I will be able to demonstrate my ability to communicate these techniques by teaching it and showing how to do so to my children. (Tech Comp.11.1) Students will be learning how to use word processing skills and search techniques on the Internet within the social studies lesson. (Tech Comp.12.7) Since there may be students who have problems with holding a pencil, fine motor skills, or writing skills in the classroom another alternative would need to be found. Having access to computers in the classroom and word processing programs, students would have the option of typing their work on the computer for this lesson. This helps a special needs child by giving them additional resources to be successful in the lesson like the other children in the classroom. (Tech Comp.13.2) Using a web resource, http://www.babelfish.com/, I will be able to support learning for children whose primary language is not English. This site would help in translating information from an ESL child’s language into English and vice versa. When the child had to word process their final product from this lesson the web resource would be helpful in doing so. (Tech Comp.13.3)